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    The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc.
    Working to reduce addiction recovery stigma
    In the work place.
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    Giving The Gift of a Second Chance
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The Hyer Calling Foundation is excited to announce that CEO Kevin Hyer has joined the Board of Faces & Voices of Recovery as Board Counsel.

At The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc., we believe in creating a world where a prior Substance Use Disorder is not a barrier to professional success.

The Hyer Calling Foundation is thrilled to announce the addition of our 2nd corporate sponsor and 1st of 2025, Speranza Therapeutics.

The Hyer Calling Foundation's corporate sponsor is Petroleum Marketing Group of Falls Church, Virginia and our local Philadelphia based sponsor is The Hart of Catering.

Our Mission

The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc. strives to transform the stigma around substance use disorder into informed action for the sake of creating a more inclusive and productive workplace. To do this, the Foundation works to equip employers and employees with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary for success.

Provide individualized no cost post rehab support services that insurance does not cover and which promote securing and maintaining employment.

Educate organizations on culturally competent ways to attract, engage and develop employees in recovery and on the business case for hiring them.

The purpose and meaning derived from a career combined with the profound gratitude at being given a second chance at something you never thought possible, drives the pull of even the most serious addictions to the most addictive of substances down to a manageable level, with treatment.

Hyer Calling Foundation Announces Nationwide Initiative to Challenge Employers Across America to Train Their Staff in the Use of Narcan as Form of Social Responsibility

The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc.’s Founder and CEO Kevin Hyer, Esq. announced today a first of its kind nationwide initiative to challenge employers across America to train their staff to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and on the proper use of Naloxone HCI, (brand named NARCAN© Nasal Spray), as a form of social responsibility to their communities. The medication has proven effective in reversing the effects of a suspected or confirmed opioid overdose...

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At The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc., we believe in data-driven information to support recovery and reentry into the workplace. For this reason, The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc. is excited to announce its support of research conducted at The University of New Mexico's Center on Alcohol Substance Use and Addiction...

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Crystal meth use, a longtime and still prevalent health concern in the LGBTQ community, started to become an issue in the late 1990s when gay and bisexual men in New York began using the drug as an aphrodisiac. A stimulant which releases dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, Meth is a powerful, ...

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